On Saturday we decided to go pine-nut picking with Delaun, Truston, Krystal and Trayce! It was alot of fun! We did really well too! After many years of not finding any or getting out too late we feel like we sure scored this year. We found a great spot out by Jackson Wash and we spent the day there. We picked and picked, the guys shook a few trees that helped move things along a little faster too. I was a little worried about how Taylor would do- he at first just played in the dirt but by the end of the day he too really got into the whole pinenut picking- and helped pick them up it was so cute! We did have our fare share of added excitment though- I don't have any pictures because I was sent off to direct traffic but Truston and Krystal tipped there truck over on the way out there. They met a truck and trailor going around a corner slammed on their brakes which made the truck fishtail and they went up the side of the mountain tipping the truck over- luckily the truck and everyone inside was fine- just a few new dents in the truck is all. Here are some pictures of our day:
Riding in the Truck:
John and Taylor hanging out in the truck with Grandpa:
Grandpa Humphries & John picking pinenuts:
Lunch Break (John, Trayce, & Taylor):
Taylor taking a nap:
Our Final Total- 3 Full Gallon Buckets:
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago