Well I haven't been around for awhile because I have been busy with another blog. I am doing a weight loss challenge with some of my family. We have to post on the blog daily to report how we are doing and with this I have not had time to work on my own blog. So far I have lost 12.84lbs wich is a 6.76% loss. I am also training for a 5k in May (Boulevard Home Furnishings does a 5k each year anyone that wants to join me I would love the company)- I can now run 2 miles. It just blows me away because when I started I could barely run 90 sec. before I thought I would die. Well that is what is going on with my life right now. I will try to get caught up soon. The other delay is Wayne bought me a Cannon rebel camera for Christmas and I have not been able to get the picts on my computer. So when we figure that out I will have some picts to go with some posts. Hope everyone is doing great! Talk to you soon.