John decided he wanted a Plants VS Zombies birthday party. For those who have no idea what that is...its a computer game that John has fallen in love with that he plays at his friends house. Its all he ever talks about. In the game you plant plants that kill zombies- thats it. Pretty simple and yet very addicting. So for John's party we decided to "train plants"(the kids) on how to be succesful zombie fighting plants.
First we played Plant..plant..zombie(duck,duck,goose):
Then we went Walnut bowling where we practiced our skills knocking over the Zombies:
Then we practice picking up our "sun drops" (candy) from the sun pinata:
We took a break from training and had rootbeer floats and presents. John loved all his gifts but the highlight was recieving his own copy of Plants VS Zombies (Can you tell he was excited?)
Last in our training was to learn to collect water- because everone knows plants need water to grow:
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago