Wayne- decided this year that he should go back to school. He is now working towards his MBA and is just slightly busy with going to school full time, working full time, serving as Elders Quorum Presidents, & being dad and hubby. I don’t know how he manages it but he is doing an amazing job at all of them. He still works for SunRoc as the Forman of the Cedar City Sand and Gravel Division. We are grateful they have been so willing to work with him so he could attend school.
Teona – Well one of the biggest things I faced this year was a huge stone in my gall bladder. After months of many doctors, many tests, & lots of pain, we figured out what was wrong and I had surgery on June 8th. What a relief to finally start feeling better- you sure recognize the blessing of health when you don’t have it. At the beginning of this month I was able to participate in the “Expedition” a 50 mile relay race in St. George. I was on a 5 person team and ran 2 legs of the race. My legs added up to 6.5 miles. I am so proud of myself for running this because the most I had trained for was 3 miles. One of my hobbies these days is a game called “Pickleball” if you don’t know what it is, Google it, and if you have a chance to play- DO IT! I love it! I have played in a few tournaments with my partner and we have done really well. I am on the PTA board at John’s school as the Yearbook Advisor and am loving being involved in all the fun events at the school. I am serving as a Sharing Time Specialist in our Ward. I do a sharing time in the Primary once a month. I love this calling because I love to teach and I love the Primary. Other than that I am home with the boys running the house.
John turned six this year and started first grade. He loves school and is doing an amazing job. He is reading on a second grade level and just absorbs everything he is taught. He shocks me daily with his smarts. The other day he asked for some milk and I told him he could have some if he could spell it. He spelled it m-i-l-k-e. I said “no, if it was spelled like that it would be pronounced milkee” John’s response was “actually you would have to add an adjacent E to make it spell milkee.” REALLY! I could not believe that my six year old was using the word adjacent and in the right way! I know he isn’t getting those smarts from me- I have to thank his dad and his teacher for that. John loves video games! He loves to play the Wii and Plants Vs. Zombies on the computer. His new favorite game is Angry Birds but we don’t have it at home so he will convince anyone that has it to let him play- even at our Ward Christmas party last week. He also loves to exercise-whether it’s a work out video, running around at the park, or playing sports. I think he is going to be a personal trainer when he grows up.
Taylor turned 3 this year and started preschool! He loves it and is doing a really good job! He can already write his name by himself, and he loves to do it over and over and over again. He loves to drive cars around, play the Wii, Plants Vs. Zombies, Angry Birds, color, water paint, play with Playdoh, and watch movies. He also LOVES to talk on the phone to whomever I am talking to. He is growing up so fast! He will be moving into Primary next month! The Primary had him come in for singing time on Sunday and it was so cute to see him in there, I am so excited for him. He wants so badly to be big like his brother! I keep warning John that when he does grow big- he better watch out because my guess is Taylor is going to be bigger than John and there might be some retaliation for all the teasing he does to Taylor. Taylor is so anxious for soccer to start so he can play like John. I have kicked the ball around with Taylor and he is actually REALLY good at soccer- so it should be fun to get him started this next year.
We are so grateful for the blessings we received this year, for our wonderful friends and family, and for the Gospel. Thank you for your love and support you always send our way-it’s more appreciated than you probably know. We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please don’t forget what this season is really about- the birth and life of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We challenge you to try and give Him a gift this season. It could be serving others, obeying a commandment, forgiving someone or thanking someone for something they did or said that inspired you. Don’t forget “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me” –Matt 25:10
Merry Christmas,
Love, The Humphries (Wayne, Teona, John, & Taylor)
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