So sunday night my little boy John got sick and started throwing up so I was up with him, then my husband came down with the shivers and started to get sick and then after being up the whole night with them I got sick and started to throw up as well! My Taylor is the only one that wasn't.- I pray he doesn't get it! He was such a good boy - he got to watch movies all day long (which I am sure helped), but he didn't whine and complain that we were all laying around not playing with him. It was quiet the site all of my family just laying around - it really wiped us out! I think we may have had the swine flu I am not totally sure- whatever it was it was terrible!! I am just barely starting to feel better but am still so weak! I hope no one has to go through this!! If you do I am so sorry!
Sorry to hear T. That is no fun at all. Something is definitely going around right now. Skylee had that throwing up for like 4 days and then our next door neighbor's little girl and then the mom and dad got it too. I don't know how Jeff and I escaped so lucky but I'm sorry to hear you guys got it. Hope you recover quickly. Love you! You'll be in my prayers.
Something's going around, everyone here has been taking turns being sick and everyone I know is either recovering from being sick or just getting sick. Hope you all feel better soon and hope your little boy doesn't have to suffer also.
If it is swine flu do you have to get an anitbotic for it to truly leave? I am sorry you are sick. I misunderstood and thought that Taylor was the one sick yesterday, I am glad that he was not. I hope that you guys get feeling better.
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