So last Friday was SUPER (wink wink) fun. I had been working on my sharing time most of the day for Primary and the kids and I were getting pretty restless so I decided to try and get a few errands done before my Chiropractic apt. In Primary we started a new thing that if the kids bring their scriptures than they get to add a penny to the jar and when it is full we give it the Bishop to go towards Book of Mormon fund- anywho John was way excited about this and wanted to bring scriptures to church with him. So we went to DI to see if they had a scripture case and some scriptures. We found a really cute case for him there but didn't have any decent scriptures so we decided to check at Deseret Book (now that I think about it the Distribution Center was next door to DI so this whole upcoming fiasco could have been avoided by just going there) anywho! So while at DI Taylor was really upset that he didn't get to get anything and let me and the rest of the store know- that was just warm up I guess. When we got to Deseret Book we went to look at the scriptures and Taylor decided he wanted to read the scriptures to so he grabbed a set and started thumbing through. Well most of the books Taylor looks at get ripped so I told him he couldn't look at the scriptures right now took them away and put them back and he starts throwing a fit!! Not just a little one either- he starts sreaming at me "I Want To Read The Scriptures!!" So how do you react? Totally not okay for him to act like this at the store but you don't want to encourage him not to read the scriptures either!! Love kids!!! So after we got out of that store. I had my apt. They have a little play room for kids where my kids were playing while I was in the waiting room. All of a sudden you hear them start to fight - John yells "I Am A Child Of GOD!! and Taylor then replies "I AM A CHILD OF GODD TOO JOHN!! lovely huh! I am so glad they know they are children of God but really?? My doctor came in right after that laughing and say that had just made her day (so guessing everyone heard wasn't too off) - she gave me hug knowing what it is like to be a mom :). Man oh man...Kids say the darndest things!!
Okay, you already told me this, but somehow I missed the fact that you were out in public! And hey, you did find the silver lining to the day by saying you made the chiropractor's day! At least John and Taylor's hearts are in the right place! :)
haha I love it!
so glad i'm not the only one hearing those things from my child! well not the exact same things but similar - ahhhh!! but funny to laugh back on. Boston likes to yell during the Sacrament - NO LIKEY JESUS NO MORE. Glad i'm not alone :)
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