Can I just say I HATE HATE HATE THIS QUESTION!!! I have been asked this question time and time again. I thought after loosing 50lbs that this question would assist. But NO- in the last two months I have been asked 3 times!!! I think all these people could have been asking for other reason other than the size of my belly (which I do still have a little pooch) but STILL that question is SO SO SO hurtful and discouraging especially after loosing all that weight. Brian Reagan my favorite comedian has a joke about this very thing and I wanted to share it in hopes to spread "the rule"... "the rule for this is to not guess at this EVER EVER EVER EVER....." to see the joke go
That is never a good question when you're not pregnant! I try to be extra careful, and I usually don't even ask someone who is obviously expecting, unless they bring it up in coversation. I've also been asked that when I was pregnant. I gained a lot of weight with Carter and after I had him I was asked when the baby was due. Yeah, it hurts. But ignore their comments. You've done great to lose that weight and change your life! :)
Sorry about the rude comment. Yeah you are amazing! I brag about you all the time! LOVE that Brian Reagan though and NICE job with the hyperlink!
Ugh, I HATE that too! I actually started yellig at a lady in Costco in front of my family because I was sick of hearing it. Then she had the awdacity to say 'Oh, just left over baby fat, huh?'!! And it's always the bigger people! But you're doing such an amazing job! 50 Punds! Sheesh! Don't let them discourage you.. Let it be your determination!
Oh that is offensive. I made that mistake once and have tried not to ask ever ever ever ever again. I even asked Amiliea one time if they were thinking about having children HUGE lesson learned there, when upon reading her blog after getting (Amelia) pregnant she explained how hard the process had been and how hurt she felt when people would ask when they are going to start trying. I am so sorry, you do look great plus you just had major surgery that cut your guts up. Keep up the great work. one last thought I have learned I never know what peolpe are going through thank goodness for the atonement because I make some many mistakes in communicating with others ;)
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