Thursday, August 25, 2011

a trip up the mountain

So a couple weeks ago we went up Cedar Mountain with Wayne's parents and sister to check out some land a friend purchased and to have a cookout. While we were there some kids brought over water snakes. John and Taylor loved it. John had to hold one...which surprised me a little. He loved every minute of it and on the way home he asked me if we could get one-a snake. I informed him no such reptile will ever be in my home.

Later on we stopped off the highway by a cute little stream to have dinner. These were some really cute pictures of the boys playing in the stream. These pictures capture my boys silly personalities so well. What cute boys!

Brotherly Love:


Telsha Winger & fam said...

Cute LOVE that last pic!

Erin Shakespear said...

Cute! Looks like fun. Hey, thanks for the tip on the percussion kit. You are all kinds of awesome. I wish I hadn't already ordered one. But I really appreciate you thinking of us! :)